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May 18 Legal Update

Share This: Top stories Another new case on “disclosure of inside information”   SFC proceedings against Magic Holdings for “disclosure of inside information” breaches (Click: press release; Market Misconduct Tribunal Notice) What you should know: Nature: delay in disclosure; founders sold equity stake to L’Oreal (“L”) leading to general offer Action against company, 3 founders/EDs, […]

Apr 18 Legal Update

Share This: Top stories New Case on “disclosure of inside information”   SFC proceedings against Fujikon for “disclosure of inside information” breaches (Click: press release) What you should know: Nature: delay in disclosure Action against company, chairman/CEO, CFO/company secretary/executive director “Inside information”: notified by top customer that a headphone manufactured for it would be discontinued; […]

Mar 18 Legal Update

Share This: Hot Trends   Getting ready for AGM (Part 1) -HK Voting Policy Guidelines 2018 (ISS and Glass Lewis) Influential reports of proxy advisors, widely followed by institutional investors Little changed from previous year generally Main change affects PRC companies — more stringent approach in considering Articles amendment to add “Communist Party Committees” Key […]

Feb 18 Legal Update

Share This: Top stories Directors’ duties as HKEX enforcement focus   (i) HKEX published its Enforcement Newsletter, covering full-year 2017. (Click: full report) Directors’ duties are the main enforcement focus. Other important areas, as reflected in enforcement statistics, are: inaccurate/incomplete/misleading disclosure in corporate communications, and failure to comply with procedural requirements regarding notifiable/connected transactions. The […]

Jan 18 Legal Update

Share This: Top stories HKEX review: annual reports + annual review of Connected Transactions   HKEX published a report on its review of issuers’ annual reports for year 2016. Regarding “annual review of continuing connected transactions” by independent directors, HKEX gave very useful examples of internal controls procedures that should be in place, and the […]

Dec 17 Legal Update

Share This: Top stories SFC issued new Guidance Note on co-operation   A new Guidance Note on Co-operation with the SFC was issued, replacing a 2006 version (Click: press release; full report; FQ+A). Our focus is on the new section regarding proceedings in civil courts (s.213, 214 of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (“SFO”), and […]

Nov 17 Legal Update

Share This: Top stories HKEX consultation: Corporate Governance Code   HKEX published a consultation paper on “Review of the Corporate Governance Code And Related Listing Rules”.  (Click: full report, press release). Its focus is on independent directors (“INEDs”), including greater transparency and accountability in the nomination process, strengthening the independence criteria, and promoting board diversity. […]

Oct 17 Legal Update

Share This: Top stories HKEX reviewed 2016 annual reports   HKEX published “Analysis of Corporate Governance Practice Disclosure in 2016 Annual Reports”, reviewing issuers’ compliance with the Corporate Governance Code and Corporate Governance Report (together as “the Code”).  (Click: full report, press release). This follows previous reviews in 2015 (for 2014 annual reports), and 2016 […]

Sep 17 Legal Update

Share This: Top stories New COSO ERM Framework   The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (“COSO”) published a new framework – “Enterprise Risk Management—Aligning Risk With Strategy and Performance”, updating its widely-followed “Enterprise Risk Management (“ERM”) — Integrated Framework” (2004). A key theme is to better “integrate” risk management. As reflected in […]

Aug 17 Legal Update

Share This: Top stories Competition Commission’s second case   Following its first case in March (against IT companies for “bid-rigging”), the Competition Commission initiated its second case in the Competition Tribunal — this time against 10 construction and engineering companies for “market sharing” and “price fixing” regarding renovation services at a public rental housing estate […]